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11/12 Focus Areas

11/12 Focus Areas

Eleventh and twelfth grade students at WHS have an opportunity to participate in an Advanced Placement, academic and/or honors program of study, depending on their choice of core.  In 11/12, the cores are referred to as Focus Areas. Both career-themed and exploratory Focus Areas allow for instructor collaboration, project-based learning, integrated curriculum, and community building. The Focus Area structure allows students to experience a sense of community while at school.  This progressive approach to comprehensive master scheduling is transforming traditional high schools across the state and is often referred to as  a cohort structure, or academy structure. Many 11/12 programs incorporate a CTE Pathway so students are highly prepared for both college and careers after high school.  Some Focus Areas offer honors-option for English.  Many 11/12 Focus Areas have their third course approved by UC/CSU in a subject area or as an elective “G”.  Reading selections, projects and themes rotate among the two years in English and the Focus Area course, and social studies alternates each year between US History and Government/Econ. California Partnership Academies offer their Focus Area with sequenced Career Tech Ed courses.

Advanced Placement (AP) Focus Area

AP is an Advanced Placement program that prepares students for taking the College Board AP exams each spring.  Over the two year course of study, subjects include AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP U.S. History, and AP U.S. Government, AP Macroeconomics, Forensics, and American Studies. In the process of preparing for the AP exams, students will develop their writing and critical thinking skills through the analysis of classic works of literature, primary, and secondary source documents.  Topics will include various genres of reading and writing: persuasion, political analysis, novel, poetry, and short story. Teachers collaborate on unit development and core projects, and are able to support students over the two year program of study. Advanced Placement level approaches college-level work and students should be prepared with strong reading/comprehension skills and study habits.

Arête Media Academy

Arête Media Academy is a California Partnership Academy (CPA) with a Media Arts CTE pathway. Arête students use technology, media arts, and industry practices to strategically connect, communicate, collaborate, create, and publish their work for an authentic audience. Courses include English (honors-option available), U.S. History/Economics and Government (honors-option available), and Multimedia I and II.  Students gain proficiency in industry-standard software and are immersed in a project-based environment. The training offered in the academy provides a firm foundation for further education in Media Arts, includes internships with local industry professionals and exposure to post-secondary educational institutions. Coursework develops the skills required for success in post-secondary education and professional work environments including problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and written and verbal expression. Teachers collaborate on unit development and core projects, and are able to support students over the two year program of study. The CPA grant funds this program’s enrichment activities, field trips, academic support program, technology, and guest speakers. Students from Media Art 9/10 core and sophomores who took the Foundations of Art & Digital Design elective have priority for space available in Arête Media Academy.

Axis Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) Academy 

Axis STEM Academy is a California Partnership Academy (CPA) with embedded CTE courses from Project Lead the Way.  Honors and non-honors students gain skills that support college and career goals in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  They learn to investigate and question the interrelated facets of the modern world and the intersections of engineering, design technology and culture including several hands-on design-build projects each year. Courses include English, U.S. History/Economics and Government, Introduction to Engineering Design, and Principles of Engineering. Honors-option students take both English and Social Studies courses at the more rigorous level. The training offered in this academy provides a firm foundation for further education in the Engineering and Architectural Design industry sector, and includes internships with local industry professionals and exposure to post-secondary educational institutions. Teachers collaborate on unit development and core projects, and are able to support students over the two year program of study. The CPA grant funds the program’s enrichment activities, field trips, academic support program, technology, and guest speakers.  Axis STEM students should be continuing their math and/or science sequence as preparation for college and career options.  Students from Innovation STEM 9/10 core and sophomores who took the Computer Robotics elective have priority for space available in Axis STEM Academy to continue their CTE pathway begun in 10th grade.

Hybrid Core

The Hybrid Core is designed to offer maximum flexibility for students who would like to take a non-traditional path towards graduation.  At a minimum, the Hybrid Core offers independent study for 11/12 English and 11/12 US History or Econ/Gov (depending on the year) through the district’s adopted online learning platform (more online courses may be added with your counselors approval).   The Hybrid Core allows students to choose elective courses on either an A day or a B day, have flexibility in scheduling to be concurrently enrolled in Junior College courses, or participate in Work Study or Internships.  Students maintain on-campus connections through weekly in-person or zoom meetings with their Core teacher. Success within the Hybrid Core is a result of completing 45 minutes of work each day for each online class. Students participating in the Hybrid Core must demonstrate previous academic success in their 9th and 10th grade years as well as the capacity to work independently. 

Nueva School for the Arts 

Nueva is a CPA with a Production and Managerial Arts CTE pathway. Honors and academic students work collaboratively in a project-based environment.  Nueva students gain proficiency in industry standard Adobe software, develop professional websites and may have opportunities to earn industry certifications and early college credit.  Courses include English, U.S. History/Economics and Government, and Production Design I and II.   Students work with industry professionals to complete work-based learning projects, and to design, market, and produce live stage productions twice each year.  Coursework develops the skills required for success in post-secondary education and professional work environments including problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and written and verbal expression. Teachers collaborate on unit development and core projects, and are able to support students over the two year program of study. The CPA grant supports the program’s enrichment activities, field trips, academic support program, technology, and guest speakers.  Students from A.M.E. 9/10 core have priority for space available in Nueva to continue their CTE pathway begun in 10th grade.

Community Health Academy  

Academy students learn about Public and Community Health through coursework in English, U.S. History, Government and Economics, and Public Health and Wellness, a two-year CTE concentrator class. Students earn certification in First Aid/CPR, and will examine the importance of preventative health care, information, and public resource access in the realm of community health, ethics, epidemiology, human development, disaster and emergency response systems, health education, and addressing the needs of diverse populations. An Honor-level option is available for both the English and social studies courses. Students in the core may receive dual enrollment credit in Emergency Medical Responder (EMC 100) through SRJC.Coursework develops the skills required for success in post-secondary education and professional work environments including problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and written and verbal expression. Students work with industry professionals to learn about careers, complete senior projects and job shadows.  Teachers collaborate on unit development and core projects, and are able to support students over the two year program of study. Public Health was developed as a Specialized Secondary Program.  Completion of the CTE pathway encompasses a capstone elective offered outside the core courses and will be discussed with students during the Public Health and Wellness course.

Business and Hospitality Academy (Vineyard) 

Business and Hospitality is a CPA with a Food Service and Hospitality CTE pathway. Courses include English, U.S.History, Government and Economics, Business Accounting, Management,/Entrepreneurship, and Culinary I and II over a two year program of study. Topics and projects in this Focus Area involve learning aspects of running a business, writing a complete business plan, presenting an investment opportunity (pitch) to adults in the community and participating in a range of projects visible in the Windsor and Sonoma County communities.  Coursework develops the skills required for success in post-secondary education and professional work environments including problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, written and verbal expression, including many public presentations.  Students work with industry professionals to learn about careers, complete senior projects and job shadows.  Students earn Food Handlers certifications and will examine the intersections and economic impact of local tourism and hospitality industries. Teachers collaborate on unit development and core projects, and are able to support students over the two year program of study. The CPA grant funds the program’s enrichment activities, field trips, academic support program, technology, and guest speakers.  Students from VA SOL 10th grade core have priority for space available in Vineyard Academy to continue their CTE pathway begun in 10th grade.

BUILD Academy

The Windsor High School BUILD Academy is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway focused on the building and construction industry. Students gain practical, hands-on experience in construction, project management, and industry-specific skills, while preparing for both college and the workforce. The program offers opportunities to earn an OSHA certification, develop proficiency with construction tools, and receive training in project management, estimating, and material acquisition. Courses include English, U.S. History/Economics and Government, as well as specialized construction classes. The program emphasizes real-world, project-based learning, teamwork, time management, and industry standards. Students collaborate with industry professionals on work-based learning projects and are exposed to career opportunities in the building and construction trades. The BUILD Academy develops skills in problem solving, collaboration, and communication, which are essential for professional success. The program’s curriculum integrates core academic subjects with specialized training, and students receive ongoing support from teachers throughout the two-year program. Enrichment activities, field trips, academic support, and industry guest speakers are made possible through the program’s partnerships and resources. Students who have completed a 10th grade core curriculum related to the construction trades will have priority for space in the BUILD Academy