Home of the Jaguars
Prospective Families
If you are considering an interdistrict transfer, or your family is a Windsor resident but new to our district, WHS Principal Danielle Buckman invites you to this informational event to learn more about WHS classes and culture, the interdistrict transfer process and next steps.
Please register through this link by Dec. 1st : Register for Open House Here
Please note: If you are a current WMS or CALI family, an 8th Grade Orientation / Tour for students will be held in early 2025. Information will be sent through Parent Square.
If you have any questions, please contact Christina Sevilla, Principal’s Secretary,
at (707) 687-7625 or
Go Jaggies!
Nuevas Familias - CASA ABIERTA Y TOUR
Si está considerando una transferencia entre distritos, o su familia es residente de Windsor pero nueva en nuestro distrito, La directora de WHS, Danielle Buckman, lo invita a esto evento informativo para aprender más sobre las clases y la cultura de WHS, el Proceso de transferencia entre distritos y próximos pasos.
Regístrese a través de este enlace antes del 1 de diciembre:
Regístrese para la jornada de puertas abiertas aquí
Tenga en cuenta: si actualmente es una familia de WMS o CALI, se llevará a cabo una orientación/recorrido de octavo grado para estudiantes a principios de 2025. La información se enviará a través de Parent Square.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Francisco “Javier” Contreras, el traductor bilingüe, al (707) 687-7623 o con correo electrónico con Christina Sevilla (ella no habla español), secretaría de la directora,
¡Vamos, Jaggies!
Thank you for your interest in Windsor High School. Our 2024-2025 Interdistrict Transfer application process is underway. If you are interested in attending WHS in the coming school year. Please click this link for more information: Interdistrict Transfer Procedures
If you are a Windsor resident and WUSD is your assigned school district, please visit this page: New Student Enrollment
Looking for more information about Windsor High School?
Please check out these resources:
We appreciate your interest in WHS. If you have any addiitonal questions, please contact our school office at 707-837-7767 and our school secretary will direct your call.