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Restorative Practices at Windsor High School

Restorative Practices at Windsor High School


The goal of Restorative Practices is to build social capital amongst our students, families, staff and community members. Social capital is a network of positive relationships that are based on: connectivity, shared values, trust and cooperation that build a healthy learning community. When these relationships exist, we can respond effectively to conflict, repairing and restoring the learning environment. We can also celebrate our successes, as a united community.

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“Human beings are happier and healthier, more cooperative, productive and make positive changes in their behavior when those in authority do things with them, rather than to them.” 

Ted Wachtel, Founder – International Institute of Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices In Practice

The Fundamentals

  • Use of the Social Discipline Window for a leadership model for teachers, families and administrators

  • Use of Affective language that communicates an individual’s feelings, as well as, how their decisions and actions have impacted others ~ accountability.​

  • Proactive Community Building Circles, across WHS campus

  • WHS Student Circle Keepers, designing and co-facilitating Community Building Circles and working with 8th graders at Windsor Middle School 

  • Utilizing Restorative Conferences to manage conflict and harm

Students, parents and local community members participate in a WHS Student Circle Keeper led community building circle.